

今回は Day について 日。 英語で What day is it? は 今日は何曜日ですか? でも Day(日) と Day of the week(曜日) は 使い方がちょっと違います。日本語を学ぶ人はここが間違いやすい。逆に英語を学ぶ時にその間違いも起こりうるかも。でもよく考えればその間違いはないかも。英語はDayの前に how many なら何日、what なら 何曜日。まあ。。。この説明何か物足りないを感じました。

日と曜日 ていうことね。

  • when? いつ?
  • what day? 何曜日?
  • what day is it? 何曜日?
  • what is the date? 日付は?日にちは?
  • what date is it? 日にちは? 何日?
  • how many days? 何日?








子供にその違いをすこし気づいてのはいいかもしれない。子供の反応に合わせばいい。 ここの説明には限界がある。ちゃんとに説明したいことにもここで出来ないことがある。 でも役に立つものもあると思う。使えるものなら。。。

時間は英語でTime, 時もTime

  • What time is it? (何時ですか?) (時間は?)
  • What's the time now? (今何時ですか?)
  • What's a good time to come? (何時くるのがいい?)
  • Is it a good time to come? (この時間来るのもいい?)(この時間はいいですか?)(この時期いい?)
  • When is it good to come? (いつくるのがいい?)(いつがいい?)
  • When the time comes I will let you know. (時間が来たら教える。)
  • This time you will not be disappointed.  (今回はがっかりさせないよ)
  • Will you have time for me? (時間があるの?)
  • I'm sure you'll have a good time. ()の日本語は100%正しいのではない。ある程度の意味。また正確な翻訳でもない。英語もカジュアルのものもある。でも大体通じる英文。フレーズの勉強にとしても使えると思う。

あと時間もHour, Time は 回 の 意味もある。 例えば、 

  • This time, I'm sure you'll have a good time(今回。きっと、いい時間になるよ。)
  • How many times have you heard that? (あれは何回を聞きましたか?)何回も聞いたの?






About Christmas

How did you celebrate your Christmas Eve? Did you stay awake the whole night waiting for Santa Claus to come? Or did you go straight to bed after your Christmas dinner hoping to find some presents when you wake up the next morning?

For some people Christmas is about the presents that they get. For some it's about the dinner they have with their family. For others it's about the songs and the festive mood. There are those who only think of it as a holiday. And there are also those who go to church to pray.

How was my Christmas Eve? Nobody invited me to celebrate with them. Will you invite me to your Christmas dinner next Christmas?


  • stay [stayed, staying]
  • awake [awoke, awaking]
  • wait [waited, waiting]
  • find [found, finding]
  • think [thought, thinking]
  • pray [prayed, praying]
  • invite [invited,inviting]



  • added
  • adding
  • adds


  1. Add some cheese to the pasta.
  2. Add this color to that color and you get green. (a green color)
  3. We added some more chocolate for you.
  4. If you add 1 and 2 you get 3.
  5. Can you add some more? (cheese, chocolate, など)

add と plus は数学で意味が同じけど会話ではちょっと違うの感じ。

Verbs A B C

Verbs (動詞)

Here are some verbs that might be useful. (Upcoming posts will describe them in more detail)

  • add
  • awake
  • back
  • bear
  • beat
  • begin
  • bite
  • blow
  • break
  • breathe
  • bring
  • build
  • bump
  • burn
  • buy
  • call
  • calm
  • care
  • carry
  • catch
  • check
  • choose
  • clear
  • close
  • come
  • cool
  • cost
  • count
  • cross


Does it have to be so scary?

I've never celebrated Halloween as a kid (child) and most of what I know about it comes from watching TV shows (Television programs) and reading books and magazines. So I don't know if what I'm saying about it is true or correct (accurate).

Why is that the grown ups (adults) put in the time and energy (effort) to make things look scary? I guess maybe they wanted to use Halloween as an occasion to mix things that are scary and fun together so that their kids (children) will grow up not being afraid of things like ghosts, zombies and other strange and scary things. Or maybe it's a way for grown ups to release their stress by scaring(frightening) others and themselves.

I think it will become a more cheerful and less scary celebration as it becomes more popular. I have no problem with that.

Key points

  1. verbs
  • celebrate [celebrated,celebrating]
  • watch [watched,watching]
  • read [read,reading]
  • say [said,saying]
  • scare [scared,scaring] -> scarying じゃないけど発音は近い。scaryはadjective
  • frighten [frightened,frightening] この動詞の使い方は後で説明します。
  1. words that are similar in meaning ここは意味が似ている。
    informal formal
    kid child
    grown up(s) adult(s)
    kids children

