About Christmas

How did you celebrate your Christmas Eve? Did you stay awake the whole night waiting for Santa Claus to come? Or did you go straight to bed after your Christmas dinner hoping to find some presents when you wake up the next morning?

For some people Christmas is about the presents that they get. For some it's about the dinner they have with their family. For others it's about the songs and the festive mood. There are those who only think of it as a holiday. And there are also those who go to church to pray.

How was my Christmas Eve? Nobody invited me to celebrate with them. Will you invite me to your Christmas dinner next Christmas?


  • stay [stayed, staying]
  • awake [awoke, awaking]
  • wait [waited, waiting]
  • find [found, finding]
  • think [thought, thinking]
  • pray [prayed, praying]
  • invite [invited,inviting]